Envy One Scooter Review!

Scooters are, without a doubt, the coolest way to get wherever you need to go. But, to get the coolest scooter, where do you go? In this Envy One Scooter review, we will give you all the important details on this particular scooter, so you can make the best choice for you. From safety information to all the coolest features, we will help you make up your mind and get to scooting. What should you look at? Who should you trust to give you the best information possible needed to make this life altering decision? We will dive into all of that with the Envy One scooter right now.

Envy Scooters ONE S3 Stunt Scooter

Envy One Scooter Review

Up Front

One of the first things you will see on this Envy One Scooter is the crazy body designs. This scooter comes in a lot of different colors, but the featured design is two skeletons on the front, one facing up and one facing down, surrounding the Envy logo. This scooter will definitely catch your eye right off the bat and jump out at you. Clearly, this one is not for the timid.

Two Piece Bar Design

One of the features that will immediately strike you about this Envy One Scooter is the two piece bar design. The bar comes in two pieces on this scooter to make sure that steering is easy for any and all riders. You would never even notice that the bars on this scooter come in two pieces, since the seam is practically invisible and the bars attach directly to the steertube.

IHC Compression System

Another great feature on this Envy One Scooter is the compression system. It uses an IHC compression system, which is built right in to the forks. Why is it beneficial to run this way, on an IHC compression system? Well, this particular compression system is perfect because it makes sure that the customer never has to buy forks and compression separately for their scooter. Instead, IHC compression has a bolt in it that compresses the fork shim on to the headset, which allows for easier steering. The IHC compression system was built to basically be a lighter version of the HIC system. Unlike most compression systems, the fork on this one is actually directly built in to the actual fork. However, one down a side of this style of compression system is that other companies are not necessarily going to be compatible with the Envy parts. This means that when upgrading, you might be forced into buying Envy parts only instead of any other brand you might want.

TPR Hand Grips

Another interesting feature on this Envy One Scooter is the one hundred sixty millimeter TPR hand grips. TPR hand grips are not a feature seen on too many scooters, but they allow for easy steering and a nice, comfortable grip on your scooter every, single time.

Size and Weight

This Envy One Scooter also has the fascinating feature of being smaller than some of the competition. This scooter is 11 X 7 X 24 and the relatively small size makes storage a lot easier than some of the other scooters on the market. The weight of this scooter is another important feature. Weighing in at only seven pounds, this scooter is significantly lighter than many of it’s counterparts, but still manages to be an extremely durable option either on the street or in the skate park.


What really makes this Envy One Scooter stand out from the rest, though, is the customization possible with it. While the Envy One is essentially designed to be an entry level scooter, the envy one comes fully equipped with the ability to upgrade. The design is the first of it’s kind, and allows for upgrades to any of Envy’s more high end parts once the rider graduates from being a newbie to a more seasoned rider. You will be able to build yourself the ultimate scooter as you move on from needing just the basics. As we previously mentioned, however, the fact is that this is only going to be compatible with other Envy parts. So, while it is really cool that you can customize your scooter, it is kind of a shame that you can only do so with other Envy parts. But, the parts are great quality, so this should not necessarily be a big concern.

Some Assembly Required

While it all does fit together pretty easily, one frustration with this Envy One Scooter is that it does not come completely built. There will be some assembly required. Riders who are not certain they know how to build it will need some help from adults, but thankfully the process should go by pretty quickly.

Video Review of Envy One Scooter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is this a good beginner scooter?

Answer: Definitely. The base design is pretty simple, and you can upgrade with some of Envy’s better parts as you progress as a rider.

Is there assembly required?

Answer:  Yes, this scooter does require a little bit of assembly, but should be done relatively easily.

Envy Scooters ONE S3 Stunt Scooter


In conclusion, this Envy One Scooter is excellent for those who want a strong, durable scooter that can serve as an entry level scooter for them. The great thing about the Envy One scooter is that it does not, however, need to stay as an entry level ride The scooter can be customized and works really well with any other Envy products, for those who want to grow into their scooter and upgrade it as they progress as a rider.

You do have to commit pretty hard to Envy as a brand, though. The upgraded parts you use can only be Envy brand, so keep that in mind. With six different color choices to go along with the body that can be customized, this is truly an excellent scooter that has a leg up on the rest of the competition. While the assembly could be somewhat of a pain, do not let that stop you from purchasing this excellent scooter and having the time of your life. This concludes Envy One Scooter Review. Thank you for reading this article!

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